- Perennials
Astilbe, Deutschland (Astilbe x Japonica)
- $12.00
- Pure white flower in mid-summer. Shade tolerant. Can grow as tall as 24in.
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- Perennials
Black Eyed Susan
- $15.00
- A beautiful, golden, daisy-like flower that lasts from July all the way to mid-October. Select birds love the seeds.
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- Perennials
Catmint, Walker’s Low
- $10.00
- Low mounding perennial with a gray-green foliage that helps bring out the blue-lavender flowers that last almost all summer.
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- Perennials
Coral Bells, Palace Purple
- $15.00
- A stunning deep mahogany-red foliage that fades to bronze-green in the heat with a white flower. Grows in a mound form.
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- Perennials
Coreopsis, Zagreb
- $12.00
- Starry golden looking flowers cover the top of the thread leaf foliage that makes up this perennial. These small but beautiful flowers bloom in July and last until the first frost. Well drained soil is most desired and can tolerate drought.
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- Perennials
Ornamental Onion, Millenium
- $12.00
- This plant enjoys the hot, full sun. It grows in a mound formation with green, strappy foliage and sprouts up a bright, rosy purple flower that begins blooming in July and August. When this perennial is crushed or broken, it gives off an onion smell that can repel deer from it or the area.
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- Perennials
Sedum, Autumn Joy
- $15.00
- This perennial has large groups of pink flowers that sit atop of tall gray-green foliage. It is one of the taller sedums and is very drought tolerant.
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