- Shrubs
Willow, Nishiki
- $23.00 – $44.00
- A lovely shrub with pink stems with green, pink and white leaves. Stems are graceful and spreading. This shrub grows very quickly.
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- Shade Trees
Willow, Prairie Cascade
- $80.00 – $105.00
- A very hardy weeping willow with glossy, dark green leaves and golden bark.
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- Shrubs
Willow, Pussy
- $23.00 – $44.00
- A native large shrub. Silky soft catkins in early spring.
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- Shade Trees
Willow, Weeping Pussy
- $50.00 – $100.00
- Soft catkins form in early spring for an added touch to this already gorgeous weeping form of a Pussy Willow. The foliage is green on top with a lighter shade of green underneath. A great plant to accent other plants or can stand alone in confined areas.
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- Spreading Evergreens
Yew, Spreading Tauton
- $29.00 – $85.00
- A slow growing yew. An outstanding characteristic is it's resistance to "winter burn". A superior spreading type.
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Nursery Stock